Company Information


Started in 1918, Ritz & Wolf Camera & Image is America’s Premier retail destination for cameras and imaging. The company has dedicated its legacy to empowering consumers to share, display and save all of life’s treasured memories.

What employment opportunities does Ritz & Wolf Camera & Image have at this time?

Ritz & Wolf Camera & Image currently have no job openings at this time.

We have several different options for you to choose when contacting us for future employment opportunities:

  1. E-mail a resume to recruiter.ritzcamera

  2. Mail a resume to:

    Ritz Camera & Image
    Attn: Eric Moseson
    6900 Virginia Manor Rd, Suite #113
    Beltsville, MD 20705
    Enc: Employment Opportunities

Applications and resumes are maintained on file for 1 year. During this time, they are compared to job openings. If after 1 year an interview is not conducted, you may resubmit a new application/resume for consideration.

Ritz & Wolf Camera & Image is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Looking for Ritz & Wolf Camera & Image Retail Stores?

If you are looking to contact Ritz & Wolf Camera & Image regarding the location of one of their retail stores or with other questions, you can reach them in the following ways:


Call Toll Free: (866) 849-3045 Monday - Thursday 9AM to 6PM, Friday 9AM to 2PM

Ritz Camera & Image
Attn: Customer Service
2 Bergen Turnpike
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660

Contact Form